(Co+4S+T) Co.ForeS.T. project Sardinia Senegal Cooperation for Sustainable Regional Development
Historical cooperation links between the Region of Sardinia and the Senegalese authorities have consolidated over the last few years. This has led to the launch of a pathway aimed at supporting the Government of Senegal in managing and enhancing forestry resources and in the technical and scientific training of local tradespeople to combat the effects of drought and the encroachment of the Sahara Desert into the north-eastern region of Matam.
"Creative pathways and innovative futures for Senegalese and Ivorian youngsters" project
The Project, led by the region of Piedmont, in which the Region of Sardinia is a partner, has been implemented with funding from the Ministry of the Interior – Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration within the framework of a call for proposals entitled “international partnerships and/or cooperation and assistance to third countries on immigration and asylum”.
Local development project and decentralised services for sustainability and active citizenship in Tunisia.
The region of Sardinia is a partner in a project promoted by the Region of Tuscany and financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).