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Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI)

Within its Welfare Department, Sardinian ANCI has established the Migrants Reception Service. This service provides Sardinian local authorities with all useful technical and institutional support in accordance with the Convention between ANCI and the Ministry of the Interior, signed pursuant to Law no. 189, which created the SPRAR central service.
SPRAR is the network of local authorities set up to carry out integrated reception projects. Local authorities have access to the network and resources of the National Fund for Asylum Policies and Services (FNPSA), and rely on the collaboration of private social and third sector actors in developing services for the reception of migrants.

As part of its activities, Sardinian ANCI provides the Municipalities of Sardinia with:
• assistance and consultancy, coordination of activities between different institutions
• information and promotion of initiatives
• database management
• data monitoring at regional level.

Contact person:
Dott.ssa Daniela Sitzia
Vice Diretcor of Sardinian ANCI

Visit the ANCI website