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Combating trafficking

Trafficking in human beings is a complex problem affecting several areas (exploitation of prostitution, other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or forced services, enslavement, removal of organs, begging). The Italian legislation on the subject has undergone important changes following the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 24 of 4 March 2014 concerning the “Implementation of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA.”

Under this measure, on 26 February 2016 the Government adopted the first National Action Plan against trafficking and serious exploitation of human beings 2016-2018, with the aim of “defining multi-annual intervention strategies to prevent and combat the phenomenon of trafficking and serious exploitation of human beings, as well as actions aimed at raising awareness, social prevention, emergence and social integration of victims.”

In accordance with the provisions of the Plan, the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 16 May 2016 has established a single Programme of social emergence, assistance and integration which incorporates all the actions provided for in Article 13 of Law 228/2003 and Article 18 of Legislative 286/98. Victims of trafficking and exploitation are guaranteed, on a temporary basis, suitable conditions of accommodation, food, and health care and, subsequently, the continuation of assistance and social integration. In this context, considering how this phenomenon has deep connections with migration flows, the Region of Sardinia promotes a series of activities, in close relation with the other actors of the territory involved in this relevant issue.

The Regional Plan for the reception of migration flows 2019 (Resolution of the Regional Council No. 1/4 of 8 January 2019) identifies the activities which will be carried out by the Region of Sardinia during 2019: Line 7 concerning contrast to human trafficking, prevention of serious exploitation of workers, undeclared work, and child labour in the agropastoral sector.

Line 7. Fighting trafficking in human beings - see projects:
Elen Joy project (in Italian)
DI.AGR.A.M.M.I Project (in Italian)

The Region of Sardinia is involved as a partner in the “Elen Joy” project, headed by the Congregation Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, the only organisation in Sardinia listed in the register of associations and entities carrying out activities in favour of immigrants, as per article 52, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Presidential Decree No. 394 of 31 August 1999. The “Elen Joy” project was proposed in accordance with the Call issued by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers financing projects which implement the Single Programme for the emergence, assistance, and social integration of victims of trafficking and serious exploitation, regulated by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 16 May 2016. The project, eligible for funding of €500,000.00, capitalises on what has been achieved by the Congregation over the last 15/20 years.

Visit the dedicated page on the Department for Equal Opportunities - Presidency of the Council of Ministers website (in Italian)

The Region of Sardinia, in collaboration with the Congregation, the ACOS Association, and the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, also promotes the following initiatives yearly:
• A training course for professionals involved in the rescue and initial reception of migrants and victims of trafficking, intended to strengthen skills in early detection of potential victims and prevention of the risk of contact with traffickers
• Public awareness raising events, such as the European Anti-Trafficking Day
• Awareness and dialogue days for university students
• Regional workshops involving public and private actors dealing with this issue.

Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
Anti-trafficking desk – Spazio Arcobaleno: tel. +39 342 09177809, +39 320 4618711
Cagliari: every Thursday at the Provincial House in via dei Falconi 10 – h. 3.00 to 6.00 PM
Sassari: every first and third Monday of the month at Casa Margherita Naseau in via Turati 36 – h 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Nuoro: on the second Monday of the month at Caritas headquarters in via La Marmora 138 – h 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Anti-trafficking toll-free number 800 290290 (from Italian phones), free of charge and anonymous, active h24

Associazione ACOS
Via Vecellio 1/E - Sassari
Telephone +39 3803784398

See the regulations:
Legislative Decree No. 24 of 4 March 2014 (in Italian)
Law No. 228 of 11 August 2003 – “Measures against trafficking in human beings” (in Italian)
Legislative Decree No. 286 of 25 July 1998 – “Consolidation text of the provisions concerning immigration rules and regulations on the condition of foreigners” (in Italian)

Visit the webpage of the regional contest “Sai di che si TRATTA?” (in Italian)