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Community Volunteering

Migrants’ inactivity is one of the main critical issues related to reception, emphasized by several parties during the consultation and dialogue meetings with public and private actors promoted by the regional administration. This condition has a negative impact both on the psycho-physical well-being of the people received and on the perception of the migration phenomenon by the host communities.

In order to respond to this issue, the Directorate of Civil Services for Immigration and Asylum of the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration, with Circular No. 14290 of 27 November 2014, outlined a path of social utility volunteering for asylum seekers.

The measure, intended for all Prefects, was to urge territorial and local authorities to set up actions to overcome the passivity of asylum seekers, using protocol in agreement with local authorities and local voluntary and social promotion associations.

Therefore, the Region of Sardinia, in collaboration with ANCI and the Prefectures of Sardinia, encourages the voluntary participation of asylum seekers in community volunteering and public utility projects.

The second call for expressions of interest for the presentation of community volunteering projects was published on 9 November 2017. From that moment on, the opportunity to submit project proposals was given not only to the municipal authorities - as requested in the first call for expressions of interest published on 29 August 2017 - but also to third sector associations, subject to sharing the project with the municipal administration of the town in which the project will be implemented.

The aim of community volunteering projects, widely shared by the public and private actors involved, is to promote the participation of migrants in voluntary activities of public utility, carried out in favour of local populations and aimed at ensuring greater opportunities for integration in the social fabric and a positive impact on the regional territory.

See the regulations
Memorandum of Understanding [PDF file in Italian]
Circular of the Ministry of Interior No. 14290 of 27 November 2014 - Voluntary activities carried out by migrants [PDF file in Italian]
Agreement of the Unified State-Regions Conference of 10 July 2014 to approve the National Reception Plan [PDF file in Italian]