The Italian legislation has transposed the new EU legal framework defined within the common European system regulating procedures for the reception of applicants for international protection as well as the numerous provisions adopted primarily by means of emergency decrees and, consequently, has modified several aspects of the reception system.
Specifically, Decree Law No. 113 of 2018 provided for the acceleration of the procedures for examining asylum applications, the reform of the residence permit for humanitarian reasons, the maximum duration of detention in the Repatriation Centres and the reorganisation of the services provided by the reception system. The restructuring of the system has also involved temporary emergency reception facilities (as per article 11, Legislative Decree No. 142/2015), which are expected to be progressively closed.
The Italian reception system operates on two levels:
• first reception, which includes hotspots and initial reception centres
• second reception, which includes the SIPROIMI, i.e., the protection system for beneficiaries of international protection and for unaccompanied foreign minors.